Peach Signature Bridal Bouquet Medium

Peach Signature Bridal Bouquet Medium
A medium bridal bouquet in our signature peach color story with a mix of Shimmer Roses, David Austen Peach Juliet Garden Roses, Ranunculus, Spray Roses, a seasonal wispy flower like Scabiosa, Snap Dragon and a mix of Eucalyptus greenery. This bouquet is hand tied with a champagne silk ribbon.
Bouquets come in a vase with water and floral food. We recommend same-day delivery or pick-up for our bridal florals to ensure freshness and beauty.
Wedding florals should be stored in a cool place and avoid sun exposure. We do not recommend storing in a food refrigerator.
We require 1 week advance orders for our a la carte collection. For custom colors or florals added, please order at least 3 weeks in advance.